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Thursday, 23 October 2014

In the light of the Ebola disease

Do not panic. It is already history, or at least it almost is. There have been only 4500 deaths of Ebola in this years' epidemy. The Spanish Flu alone killed 70 million people. After hard work of WHO, CDC and another health organisations on the globe, the disease has been contained and kept under control. The only 3 people infected in the United States - where one is dead, have been put under quarantine and their flights have been monitorised, everyone on board the planes they flew were checked.

How does it spred?

Not by coughing, at least if you do not cough blood. But if you do, you will immediatly be put under quarantine etc.

It transmits by bodily fluids - blood, urine and feces. In the later stages of the disease, it also spreads by saliva, but in the later stages you will be in a hospital (and on the news, I believe). And, also, you can only give it to another person only after you developed some symptoms (and you will already be in a hospital).

The virus does not transmit by air. The chanche for a mutation to occur is low.

The virus transmits by a species of bats and monkeys, not by pets.

How does it kill?

Internal hemmoragies. Nasty. You can not stop that. Other symptoms include coughing, fever, sweating etc.

The infected

No, they will not transform into zombies. Anyone saying that is... well, not smart.

By the way, Nigeria is already Ebola free.

That is all. It is done. Brought to you by Sebastian

See you soon!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Some words before starting

Hello my dear my friend previously said, we are from Romania, a country where you can actually see anything...even persons that have a huge interest in science.
I will be posting about chemistry, some biology and anything related to linguistics and language learning (which is also considered to be a branch of science) and who knows...if this blog will become something, maybe we will open a site in the future.
But, until then, there's a huge amount of work to be done so...enough with talking and let's do some science.

Soon I will post  things realted to hydrocarbons, so stay close.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Let's introduce myself

Hello, everyone! My name is Sebastian and I am from Bacau, Romania. I am the one that had the idea to make this blog, in the first place. I am a Wikipedia contribuitor, along with my friend, Alex. I like science a lot, and that includes chemistry, biology, physics and astronomy, and I also like history, geography and English. I want to be a surgeon, so I like anatomy and chemistry the most.

 I hope my posts will be interesting enough and without any major scientific/language mistakes. With that said, I will start marking my first post, but not before my friend introduces himself. Bye!